Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Routine

I've been trying to get myself into a solid routine, which will benefit me immensely when the semester starts to go crazy, as it will in about two weeks. I've organized my calendars and I'm hoping that because something I'd rather not do, like run, is on my calendar, I'll be more inclined to do it. I've given myself new rules too- I shut off the computer and my phone at 10:00 pm, unless I'm writing a paper (but at the same time, I'm going to try and do homework in the morning or afternoon so I can concentrate). Every morning, I'm up at 7:20 and at school, either to swim or to be in the office (or teach on T/TH next month, meaning a slightly earlier wake-up time). I pack a lunch wisely, with fruits and proteins and homemade sandwiches so I don't have to spend money on lunch elsewhere (or dinner, if I'm going to be in class all day). In two weeks, I start teaching at C of I and things are going to heat up, especially my Thursdays, when I teach and go to school from 7:30 am-7:00 pm nearly straight, with a short break in between my two BSU classes. So far I've been sticking to it- and it's felt good, so hopefully I can keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You are soooo disciplined and motivated!! I guess you'll have to be with so much to do! But if any one can do it, you can!!! Looks like it's going to be a great semester!
