Thursday, February 24, 2011

People/Things I Miss

I've been thinking a lot about the people from my childhood and who shaped me to be the person that I am.

Rosenshontz- I didn't find out until about a year ago that Gary Rosen passed away from ALS in April 2007. I was heartbroken! Even though they weren't making new music, I absolutely loved them. Rosenshontz, Tom Knight, Sarah Pirtle, Raffi and Fred Penner shaped my childhood musical inclinations. I still listen to them but listening to Rosenshontz now is always a little sadder.

And the fact that there are NO videos of Rosenshontz online is a travestry!

Madeleine L'Engle- This incredible lady also passed away in 2007 and left behind an incredible legacy. I have no read a single story or book by her that I have not loved and adored. I always look for her books at used bookstores and I'm on my way towards getting an entire collection. Most famously known for her Wrinkle in Time series, I'm actually more of a fan of her Austin series. I am Vicky Austin. I think the same things that Vicky thinks. I sometimes feel lost even in a big family. To take a line out of Anne Shirley's mouth, Vicky and I are kindred spirits. I can't get enough of her and wish I was able to known how Madeleine saw Vicky as an adult. Sadly now, that won't happen. Madeleine also was a master at weaving storylines and characters over several books. Zachary Grey, for example, first woos Vicky in The Moon By Night, returns in the midst of tragedy and suicide during A Ring of Endless Light but ends his chances with Vicky when he abandons her. He then appears in House Like a Lotus several years later, now a UCLA law student taking some time off and meet Polly O'Keeffe, daughter of Calvin O'Keeffe and Meg Murray, in Greece. Polly and Zachary help each other, although in a slightly dysfunctional way, heal from their past experiences. Finally, Zachary makes his last appearance in An Acceptable Time, also considered the final book in the Time Cycle (the books dealing with the Murray/O'Keeffe family). In this one, Zachary travels back in time and helps the People on the other side of the Lake kidnap Polly so that his heart can be healed. Ultimately, Zachary, who has started off as a cynical teenagers, redeems himself and begins to turn his life around

Madeleine is also well known for her religious writings. I own two of her Christmas books- one the retelling of the story of Christ using Giotto's murals as the illustrations, as well as one that includes her own poetry, stories, articles, columns, etc., about spirituality, Christmas, Jesus and our role in the world. She is so wise, so inspiring, so beautiful, so missed by me!

Bli-Sodot- So when I was in Israel, I watched Bli Sodot a whole lot (and ParPar Nechmad and Booli Eish Ha SHeleg) but we brought the Bli Sodot books home with us and for a while, I would learn more Hebrew with my parents. I just found this clip on youtube, but it definitely takes me back to those days sitting at the table with Abba and sounding out words.

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?- Um, ok, FAVORITE show growing up. I wanted to be on this show soooooo badly. I loved the Chief, I loved Greg Lee, I loved Rockapella, I loved geography, I loved the guest stars, I loved the clues. There was nothing about this show I didn't love other than the fact that I wasn't on it.

I didn't love Where in Time as much but I did love the theme song. Funny, since I love history.... enjoy the theme anyway.

There was also this animated series. I liked it too. I thought Zach and Ivy were cute names. And I loved Ivy's cargo pants.

C.S. Lewis- I don't think this need any explanation. I grew up on Narnia and then moved over to his religious material- Screwtape Letters, The Four Loves, The Great Divorce, Surprised by Joy, etc. I wish that I could sit down and talk to him. I know I will one day. For now, I can pretend we're talking while listening to him talk about the Four Loves in the audio book I have. Oh Jack, I wish you were around and kept writing. You were so good.


  1. Ok, WHY was I unaware of Rosenshontz? I googled them to listen to their music. I totally want this CD now, lol.

  2. Omigosh, Andrea, Rosenshontz are amazing. Simply amazing. I have two of their CDs on my ipod (yes, I am not ashamed to admit I have a "childrens" playlist on my ipod) and I"m always looking for more. Come visit me and I"ll play them for you!
