Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looks Like It's Time For A Wedding!

Early Friday morning, we packed up the car full of stuff (and Michal shoved in the back seat somewhere, I myself wasn't even sure where) and headed off to Chocorua and the Brass Heart Inn cuz it was WEDDING TIME! The first picture I'd like to share is J Virgin, the first bizarre license plate of the weekend. Yes, this is for real. And yes, they are Pat's fans.

I had the pleasure of staying in the Liberty Room at the Inn. I got to see all the rooms since Linda and I went to deliver all the gift baskets and I can say that it was one of the better rooms.

Until I turned around and saw this in the corner. I'm convinced they came alive when we weren't around....Otherwise the Brass Heart Inn was gorgeous. There was a lovely library and TV room...
...a lovely dining room....
um.... weird plate decorations.....
....beautiful old fashioned architecture...
.... an artichoke plant decor?...
... gorgeous views of the autumn leaves (this was my fav view)...
...cute little gables...
... rocking chairs on the porch....
....large fields (where I believe Civil War re-enactments happened, even though there wasn't a battle here)...
.... glorious setting for a wedding....
... and a sweet barn for some amazing reception dancing....The place was just perfect....
Oh gosh! OK, maybe I've changed my mind. The place wasn't perfect.
I would NOT want this creeping over my head while I slept. No thank you.
By the end of the afternoon, the wedding party and most of the families had shown up and it was rehearsal dinner time. Delicious food, presents, chatting, laughter and of course, a massive chef's hat cake. Glorious and all ways, shapes and forms.

Ashley, Jessica, Danielle, me and Bridget- we weren't able to get Mary into the picture :(
Jess and I also took the opportunity to sneak into the Casablanca Room. Yes, this leopard print monstrosity was called the Casablanca Room. We were just concerned.
Sneaky sneaky!
Late that night we had an incredible bonfire which, amongst other things included Ricky nearly falling off the picnic table, one of the Aunts falling over and hoping she didn't get wine on her white puffy vest and drunky Erica shaking our hands about fifteen minutes. Each.

There was a gorgeous full moon though- that must be good luck, right???
The next morning was crazy- people were cranky and grouchy, we couldn't find the owner of the inn, things were starting to get set up and Jess and I got massively lost on our little hike. Isle of Wight lost (see Isle of Wight blog post for details....)

Does this look familiar? I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu....

Oh, and we discovered this in the barn. Not weird. Not weird at all....
BUT, everything worked out in the end. The weather was incredible! The colors of the leaves were shining brightly and everyone looked amazing.
One last pic with the bride before the ceremony.

The sun was so bright it was hard to see (for me) but we could hear everything just fine and it was a beautiful, beautiful ceremony. Danielle and Ricky, I'm so excited for you guys!
This is Lily, she is my new best friend.
We like to take silly pictures during the cocktail hour. There was some delicious finger foods and I got to meet some of Danielle's other friends who hadn't been in the wedding (Jess and Bridget and I had already gotten along splendidly).

And then it was reception time. They had their first dance and a few toasts and then we got down to the eating and the dancing. Good music, good food, good friends, that's all you need for a good wedding.

Me, Trev and Danielle....
Lily, Jess and me- silly picture!
me and the momma of the bride- and the woman who tucked me and Danielle in when we were at her house
me and Ash and baby Feidler
dancing with Mary
and the bride
my pic with the bride and groom!
Trev, Mary and me
Danielle, Adam and me
The next morning, we did it all in reverse- packed up the cars, shoved Michal back into the corner again and drove home. And so it would only be fitting to end with another bizarre license plate to tie it all back together. Yay Salads.

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