So much to catch up on!!! There have been a few late nights recently which has made me very unmotivated for blogging. Let's see where we left off..... ah yes, arriving in Nottingham. The very next day, I drove out to Chatsworth House to see where one of the Mitford sisters lived when she was the Duchess. There will be a forthcoming post about that momentarily. Saturday was spent in Nottingham. After having breakfast with Katie (the day after we had gone out with her work friends for her leaving-do.... what a lovely British phrase), I headed into City Centre. I wandered around a bit and ended up joining a tour led by this fellow dressed as Robin Hood. He took us around the town and gave us interesting information about the old buildings, as well as a history and literature lesson about the origins of Robin Hood. I didn't have anything to write with (I really need to take a note out of David Sedaris' book- no pun intended indeed- and start carrying around a little notebook and pen at all times) so here is what I do remember.

When that had concluded, I only had about an hour before meeting Katie and her friends so I wandered around a bit more, popping into a few bookstores and reading on the steps of the Galleries of Justice before meeting up for tea. We had a very proper tea, champagne included of course, with lovely little cakes and sandwiches. Actually, it was technically my very first proper British tea and it was lovely. Katie's friends were quite nice and we all had some great conversations.
With a slight issues with Katie's burglar alarm on my way out of Nottingham, I made it back home to Oxford luckily still in one piece. I met up with Roni and we went to her friend Tommy's house for a party. We wanted to leave on the early side the following morning but not before Team America beat the most annoying un-American jerk-face in a game of beer pong. I even sank the winning shot- so proud.
Early the next morning, Roni and I headed off to Eastbourne, down by the sea. Before hitting up the shore, we stopped at Long Man. Long Man is a huge, probably 240 foot man literally carved into the hillside outside the town of Wilmingdon. I've wanted to see the Long Man since I got Weird England and he certainly did not disappoint. What just baffles me is what led someone (and no one really knows when he was created- it could be as early as the first centuries or as late as the mid-19oos) to create this huge man up on a cliff. It's so bizarre but incredible at the same time.
When we arrived at Eastbourne, we found that there was a huge Airbourne festival going on. There were military men all over the place, many booths, lots of food, people all over the place, military vehicles and, about ten minutes after we arrived, an air show just like the Thunderbirds. We took a short break from our scheduled events to watch- it was pretty spectacular. There was a guy who explained what was going on the entire time and helped us keep an eye on where we should be looking. I know Roni really enjoyed it.
Once the show was over, older WWII planes did their show but we headed up to the South Down Ways and wandered about to Beachy Head. The areas near car-parks were very populated but the paths were nearly empty and the colors of the sky, the sea, the grass, the plants, the flowers, were just indescribable. They were absolutely gorgeous and bright and the camera did not capture their glory properly. At Beachy Head, we had incredible views of the white cliffs and a sweet little light house. It really wasn't a long walk at all but a jaunt on the downs was exactly what we wanted.
We were starving by the time we got back to we picked up some fish 'n chips and ate down on the pebbles on the beach. The water looked so inviting and I wanted to put my feet in but the beach was really packed and so we decided just to head out. Our next stop was Charleston House, where the Bloomsbury Group would live outside of London. Virginia and Leonard Woolfe, Clive and Vanessa Bell and their children, Duncan Grant, Dora Carrington, Lyton Strachey, among others, all called this place home. Unfortunately there weren't tickets for a house tour until 4:30 and we didn't want to pay the price to only have half an hour there. So we wandered through the bookstore and then headed up to Henley, famous for its river and regatta. We ate our standard flake, wandered along the quayside and sat on a dock for a little bit before heading back to Oxford. All in all, a wonderful two days.
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