So many of you have been wondering what sort of ilk my students are. Words cannot describe them but I will do my best. Enjoy visualizing who I interact with four days of the week.
-As usual, the majority of my students are freshies. However, they are less pretentious and obnoxious as the students I had last year. For the most part, they seem intent on learning and getting done what they need to get done. It's a little refreshing.
-I do of course have upper classmen. They are, again, for the most part, great. They really help legitimize the things that I'm saying. And don't sit there like bumps on a log.
-Three students are named Elizabeth, two are named Christian and two are named Chris. Clearly there was a year when parents didn't have a lot of variety in their baby-naming.
- I also have a Marlene, Mayren, Melina and Marina. That's not at all confusing.
- One of my students is apparently a Paranomal Investigator. How do I know this? She wrote her paper on it. She belongs to a legit paranormal investigation organization. I didn't actually know that this was a real thing, other than what you see on TV.
- One kid wrote his paper on Glee. The assignment was to pick a current event and look at either side of the issue. Again, he picked Glee.
- A few kids wrote about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Some of their info was very incorrect. I made note of that. One kids wrote about the Israeli. Like there is just one Israeli wreaking havoc in the Middle East. I've named him Moshe. Maybe if Moshe was gone, there would be peace in the Middle East.
- If I had a dollar for every time a kid apologized for not being prepared, I could almost quit my job.
- One kid nearly had a meltdown in class a few weeks ago and then I had to deal with him being ridiculous in class (balancing pencil on his upper lip- who does that??). He's the first kid that I've wanted to throw being study skills into his face. Which I didn't because that's awful.
- My kids talk in class (during discussions, not on the side), which is really nice.
- I don't know if it's just the mood of this class in general (this freshmen class), but for the most part, they seem ready and willing to work and get their stuff done. Not that they turn in their work all the time but they don't seem antagonistic to the process.
-I only have three international students. One has been here from Mexico for a year and her English is amazing. One is from Ethiopia and is working pretty hard. One if from Saudi Arabia and he's awesome. I'd probably try to be his friend if I was his age. He's so intent on learning English, especially academically. Oh, and there's also a kid from Antigua. Which yes, I know, is international, but he's got a good grasp on English. And a fun accent. And tickets to the Mango Festival in August.
-Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I talk to him. Would they be better served if I just tape recorded myself and had it playing on repeat when I meet with them one-on-one? It may improve my sanity.
- My kid from Antigua taught me that there are 365 beaches there. That's the same number of days in a year. I feel like there is a book deal/blog/movie in there. Maybe I should just take a year off and make that happen.
- Two of my kids are from NH. One is from Keene and the other is from "far, far away.... near Maine", according to Danielle.
- There's one girl who is like me five years ago. She wants to go on the London trip and live in England forever and ever.... sound familiar? :)
-One girl seems to well up and tear up every time I try to talk to her. I don't know if it's remorse about her not turning ANYTHING in, or it's allergies, or I just an so mean that she cries but it's a little disconcerting. I promise I'm not being horrible to her. I just asked her how I could help her stay on top of turning her homework in.
- I've had four students come to talk to me in my office and break down. I really need to remember to bring some tissues in next week. I feel bad not being able to offer them anything when tears are pouring down their face.