Sunday, August 22, 2010


I somehow got a whim to go through my memory boxes and certainly found some memories.

My name tag from when I taught in Garden Grove
A workout plan from one of my personal training sessions at 24 Hour from last yearA random assortment of pins- including one of me and Abba from Square Dancing
name tag from when I was Beatrice Levy in Sonrise Island
the plethora of pictures from dances, senior pictures, proms, etc. from high school- who are all these people????
notes I took when I visited Hampton Court Palace last summer- nerd, yes, I know!
more random assortments, this time of ID cards. Some are awful, don't look too closely
Fun dip that Andy and Colin bought me when they went to Sticky-Sticky Bon-Bon after Kondo Krew one night
Chinese money and $2

picture of the family and my cousin Dan on the Swan Boat in the Public Gardens in Boston.. I would say circa 1993/4
NYCB programs from my grandma's house- I am obsessed with the NYCB
journal from the only Winter Camp trip I ever went on (until June Mountain)- Weeshaw 1998
Sonrise Island songbook- 11 years ago. Found some ideas for songs to bring back for next year! (Cry of My Heart, anyone???)
inside of the program from when I was in the Nuctracker... I was a "guest"
and a "snowflake"
My published book- ask me to read it to you sometime. Or, you can just listen to the audiobook. Yes, there is an audiobook.
Turkey lacer from d-group! Mind your tongue!
Supes awks (as Shiri would say) picture from I would say 5th grade?
notes from my Garden Grove kids
most EPIC notes ever- between me and Andrea over about a week in 8th grade
a classic Bethany letter- I love these! (And her postcards)
letter from Sonya when I was at ACI and she was at Berkeley
encouragement poster from my 8th grade girls
post-card from Maughan while he was in London during the 2006 World Cup. Jealous!
backside of the postcard
autographs from Jars of Clay and Needtobreathe
Happy Birthday to a seven-year-old Michal from her first grade class in Israel
postcard from my dad when I was 6
singing birthday card from Amanda and Megan for my 25th bday in England
a sweet Christmas card from- his note is priceless and sums him up perfectly!
birthday goodies from Sarah and Caroline- when they thought I was 21
My "guy" from the Hottie Pottie- all of us claimed one for ourselves :)
notes from my 6th period Western Civ kids- all about frolicking


On Friday morning, I got the opportunity to go see heats for the Pan-Pacific Swimming Championships. I've never seen professional swimming before, other than watching on television, and it was cool to see the behind the scenes action. There were several heats per swimming events and it was incredible how incredibly on schedule everything was- it was all over in exactly two hours.

The crowd featured a variety of spectators- there were a lot of young swimmers with their parents (all wearing some sort of swimming t-shirt). We sat in back of a group from Brasil with signs and the Canadian contingency was out in full-force, cheering loudly for all the Canadians.

I got to see a bunch of the Olympic swimmers- Katie Hoff, Leisel Jones, Rebecca Soni, Aaron Piersol, Peter Vanderkaay, and of course, Michael Phelps. Sadly now, I can't seem to remember who all of the pictures of so I just included the ones that I can recognize! :)

Michael post swim
Ryan Lochte (or dimples)
Mr. Aaron Piersol's excellent form

Leisel Jones in the yellow swim cap

Thanks, Bob and Linda! Such a cool experience

Just for kicks and giggles- here's the first time I met Michael Phelps :)

And here's the video (poorly shot, I'm afraid to say) of Michael's heat.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wedding in Salt Lake

My roommate got married!

I headed out to Salt Lake City bright and early Tuesday morning to go celebrate Megan and Thad's wedding. Anne and Megan picked me up from the airport and we went to get breakfast and the complete "The List". There were lists for everything (I was even on the list!) and that afternoon we hit up Wal-Mark, Ikea and Starbucks before getting our nails done with Mary and going back to the house.

A little on the late side, we headed out to the park for the rehearsal dinner. Anne and I did a lot of the set-up and I would definitely take a job working for a wedding coordinator. I am a decent bow-tie-er. Megan's family was there, including her new beautiful niece Anna and I got to see Zachary also for the first time (other than about thirty seconds) in maybe a year? If not more. What a cute. See below.

That night we were up pretty late doing all the last-minute things- putting pictures into frames, planting vines into new plant holders, packing up bags and labeling them and stapling the labels onto the bags, etc. We went to bed around midnight and were up early the next morning to go meet Sean/Tito and have breakfast at Ruth's Diner. Zachy got teddy bear pancakes and ate only the whipped cream. I appreciated the cantaloupe and pineapple of his I got to eat though and my banana nut french toast was delicious!
The boys, Thad, Paul (Anne's finace) and Zach dropped the girls off and we got manicures to match our pedicures. And then it was nap-time, although since Thad was playing Call of Duty downstairs, I didn't get much sleep. Then it was go-time! We gathered up our things, loaded up the car and headed over to Mill-Creek.
The venue was absolutely beautiful and I loved the color scheme (sage, ivory and chocolate) and how it all matched with the incredible surroundings. Anne and Megan went to go get ready and I started to get to work on the decorations of all the tables. Other than the place settings, all the decorations in these pictures are my work. Not too shabby :)

I got a chance to pop back into the bridal suite to see Megan get ready. She looked so beautiful and definitely was dealing well with the heat. Mary and Anne brought out some sparkling cider to toast and Zachary and Hannah the flower girl partook with us as well. The little ones were so cute when they realized that it wasn't normal apple juice but had a sparkling, fizzy kick!

The ceremony was just beautiful- Phil Hughes (former pastor at ACI, Sterry and now pastor in SLC) was the officiant and he did a beautiful job. Hes spoke from 1 John 4 and James and was eloquent, and funny. Megan's dad and Zachary walked Megan down the aisle and everyone looked so incredible. I nearly cried, especially when Megan and Thad lit two candles and then lit one for Zachary and all three lit a unity candle. Thad is such an incredible dad to Zachary and I'm so excited for the three of them to be a little family!

I sat at dinner with Sean, Matthew (Megan's bro), Phil and his wife Nancy and another couple who I didn't really get to talk to at all since I was doing a fair bit of running around during dinner. Anne, Mary, Paul and I at one point snuck out to decorate the car but Zachary stole me away and we went on a few field trips with monsters and climbed all over the place. We also loved blowing bubbles in each others faces. The cake was delicious and we flew bubbles to send Thad and Megan off to Park City for the night.

This might be my favorite picture of the night- just before they left. Sums up our relationship perfectly :) Megan, I love you! Congratulations and I'm so excited for you, Thad and Zachy!